Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Chipmunk, Some College Guys, and CEF

Well, to start off with the bad news first........a beloved chipmunk died three days ago. Our dog, Buddy, dug a hole in our flowerbed, franticly chasing after the poor little thing. :(

Anyway, yesterday, we had Secret Church @ Brookhills. The topic, "The Gospel, Possessions, and Prosperity," captivated me and these guys......

We had the opportunity to host them, which was awesome! Not all of them are pictured, though. :(

Before they left,  "The Guys" (thats what they called themselves :)), gave me an envelope filled with money for my missionary work with CEF.  I am thankful and humbled by what they did. It was not a "small amount" but a generous one!!  I was not expecting it at all!!!  Guys, I am truly grateful for your support of me! Thank you so much!!

Which leads me to the last part of the post.....Meeting almost all of my teammates that I will be working with this summer.  We had a "pre-training"/fellowship day at Uncle Doug and Aunt Debbie's house. I enjoyed it and can't wait for the summer!! :)

You can already tell we're a interesting bunch! :)

I plan on posting updates on my blog at least weekly of what I have been doing with CEF!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds amazing, Giann! God bless your mission work!