Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Have a Confession.

I really don't know where to start. These past couple of weeks have crazy!! and it will get EVEN more crazier!!! I often feel like I am running a marathon. Like, I don't even stop just to take a breath. Well, recently, thanks to some amazing teachers, I have little homework and a lot more time for other things. *insert excited moment here* Which means, I have something to share........

and before you get any further, I am not getting married, engaged, or am pregnant.
(although, after reading blogs about pregnant women, I might "feel" like it. or least know a little tmi about some stuff. oops! *fake laughter)

Okay, now back to the main point.


I--- umm, well, I--- read blogs, I mean I ----stalk blogs.

There. I said it. That was my confession.

Its bad, I know. So, you, reading this might be being stalked. (just for the record, that did not make sense. then again, I rarely make sense. :))

Just warning ya. ;)

We had family pictures taken last week and here is a sneak peek.

And Finally,
I still need some ideas about what to do for my blogaverasy next week.

Well, off to stalker school! :)

(photos courtesy of weheartit.com.)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Those pictures are great! You look beautiful!