Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Guatemala the Fourth part Uno

*after my dad downloaded his pictures on my account, things got a little messy. So, just bear with me as I recall these events from memory! :) (aka pictures are now in random order)

The men building the house...almost complete. 

Meanwhile back at the church....

Our kids entertained themselves by playing soccer.....

resting in the shade.....

and giving food to the kids across the street from the church.

Then not long after that, the women and children showed up!!

Remember this baby from last year??

Can you believe how big she is??? :0

This is me leading the kids in a spanish song. 

The kids (about 200) in a tiny room! 

Then we were able to go to a gym and do a craft with the kids. 

After all the excitement, the team needed some rest. 

Of course, who can sleep through this??

Then it was off to........

{insert photo here}

come back later to find out!

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